The Pierrot (and more) | Alisa McRonald
The Pierrot (and more)
May 3 - 31 in the Likely General Gallery - 389 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto
Along with my deep pre-teen interest in mime and mask work came my fascination with the Pierrot character. This was a popular image in the 1980s and led me to his history. Pierrot is often seen wearing a white outfit with black buttons, a huge frill around his neck and a black cap covering his hair. I like to think of him as a combo of the Fool from the tarot, an outsider that is melancholic but content and some sort of cosmic clown. In this body of work, Pierrot is front and centre and I just can't get enough!
Alisa McRonald’s woven weirdos live in the ironic pop-culture paradise of a Queer GenX Feminist. Her work is a tactile fruit salad with a soupçon of the esoteric.
She has exhibited and performed both nationally and internationally and her work has been featured in publications such as: The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar Japan, Nylon Magazine and Giant Robot Magazine. She was awarded the 2020 Best of Craft and Design Award from the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair and her work has been featured on many curatorial lists.
In addition to maintaining her art practice, Alisa also acts as a teacher/facilitator via various organizations including Art Not Shame. She unites her entrenchment in pop culture with her unparalleled sewing/sculpture/story-telling skills. She is inspired by other handmade items such as quilts and afghans for her, these items have a feeling of nostalgia and comfort to them. In addition, Alisa often uses recycled materials to lend to the nostalgic feel as well as fit with her philosophy of re-using what she has.
If you are interested in a piece, each piece is available for purchase through our gallery. Feel free to email us.