Since opening Likely General Gallery in late 2014, we've had the honour of watching over 250+ artists and vendors utilize our space. The gallery presents new work each month. We strive to be an open and inclusive space for up-and-coming artists to experiment with solo or collaborative shows. We typically book 4-6 months ahead. We are currently booked for 2021/2022. If you are an artist wishing to show, please don't hesitate to contact us with a proposal via email. Likely General is not a scent-free space. There is an accessibility ramp upon entering. Gallery hours mirror in-store shopping hours.
U P C O M I N G I N - P E R S O N 2 0 2 1 / 2 2 E X H I B I T I O N S
August | Vida Beyer, textile
September | Char DaSilvia, painting
October | Lisa Cristinzo, painting and installation
November | Olivia Di Gregorio, painting
December| Meaghan Mcknight, collage + ink
January | Jess Richter, drawing + painting
February | 4th Annual Kids Art Show
March | Suzie Komza, drawing + painting
April | Kristan Klimczak, photography
May | Alisa McRonald, textile
June - 9th Birthday Thrift Sale
July - Mia Carnevale
August/September | Curtia Wright
October | Shauna Eve + Strangelove Flowers
Nov-Dec TBA
November | Ishan Dave, natural ink
October | Justine McGrath, glass + installation
August | Vivian Rosas, window installation
September | David Woodward, Collage
March | Andrew Zukerman, Collage
February | 3rd annual Kids Art Show
December | Kristen Sjaarda, photography + textile
November | Miranda Crabtree, drawing + painting
September + October | Sarah Cannon, painting
July + August | What Would Love Do Now Pop-up
June | Maddy Mathews, window installation
May | Chelsee Ivans, photography
April | Alisha Davidson, drawing + ceramics
March | Black Power Barbie, installation
February | Spencer Hatch, painting
January | 2nd Colour Code Print Show
December | Alicia Nauta + Brooke Manning, poetry + installation
November | Anna May Henry, drawing
October | Maryanne Casasanta, installation
August | Glasstalisman + Penumbra, glass
July | Hugh Matter, painting + installation
June | 1st annual Kids Art Show
May | Lorenz Peter, drawings
April | 1st Colour Code Print Show
March | Erika Altosaar, drawing
February | Shauna Eve, drawing + illustration
January | Angela Lewis, photography
December | Lindsey Lickers, painting + beadwork
November | Alice MacClean, painting
October | Kirk Clyne, digital installation
September | Cody Deane Cochrane, painting
August | Andrea Manica, mural + painting
July | Diana Lynn Vandermeulen, collage + mixed media
June | Chris Foster, screenprint + installation
May | Drea Scotland, photography
April | Alicia Nauta, screenprint + installation
March | Alec Sutherland, weaving
January | Sarah Cannon, painting
December | Sagan Editions + Flying Books
October | Louise Reimer, watercolour painting
September | Laura Dawe, painting
June | Julia Dickens, watercolour drawings
May | G.B. Jones, Adrienne Kammerer, Jamiyla Lowe, drawing + painting
April | Lucy Pelletier, ceramic
March | Arden Wray, photography
February | Diana Lynn Vandermeulen, collage + mixed media
December | Marjorie Campbell, felted sculpture
November | Sarah Bodri, photography
October | Cody Deane Cochrane, painting
September | Diana Lynn VanderMeulen, installation
August | Devon Sioui + Faye Harnest, braille painting
July | The 4 Poets launch + with installation by Andi Clifford
June | Katherine Salnek, textile + installation
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